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The where parameter can receive multiple inputs and all of them will result in the same query: Currently due to a limitation in D1, there is only support for ordered parameters (but named parameters is in progress)


Starting from version 1.2.1, where now has a simplified interface, to use when you don't have parameters

  where: 'active = true'
  // or: where: ['active = true', 'department = "HR"'],

Simple where

const qb = new D1QB(env.DB)

const fetched = await qb
    tableName: 'employees',
    where: 'active = true',

The example above is the same as this

const qb = new D1QB(env.DB)

const fetched = await qb
    tableName: 'employees',
    where: {
      conditions: 'active = true',

Where with multiple conditions

const qb = new D1QB(env.DB)

const fetched = await qb
    tableName: 'employees',
    where: ['active = true', 'department = "HR"'],

The example above is the same as this

const qb = new D1QB(env.DB)

const fetched = await qb
    tableName: 'employees',
    where: {
      conditions: ['active = true', 'department = "HR"'],

Simple where with parameters

const qb = new D1QB(env.DB)

const fetched = await qb
    tableName: 'employees',
    where: {
      conditions: 'department = ?1',
      params: ['HR'],

Where with advanced conditions

const qb = new D1QB(env.DB)

async function countEmployees(department?: string): number {
  const conditions = []

  if (department) conditions.push('department = ?1')

  const fetched = await qb
      tableName: 'employees',
      fields: 'count(*) as count',
      where: {
        conditions: conditions,
        params: ['HR'],

  return fetched.results.count

const allEmployees = await countEmployees()

const hrEmployees = await countEmployees('HR')