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The Upsert feature in the SQL Builder Library streamlines database operations by combining insert and update actions into a single operation. It automatically determines whether a record exists based on a specified key and updates or inserts data accordingly. This simplifies coding, enhances data integrity, and boosts performance.

Simple Upsert

new Raw(...) is used here to let workers-qb know that it is not a parameter.

const qb = new D1QB(env.DB)

const upserted = await qb
    tableName: 'phonebook2',
    data: {
      name: 'Alice',
      phonenumber: '704-555-1212',
      validDate: '2018-05-08',
    onConflict: {
      column: 'name',
      data: {
        phonenumber: new Raw('excluded.phonenumber'),
        validDate: new Raw('excluded.validDate'),

This will generate this query

INSERT INTO phonebook2 (name, phonenumber, validDate)
VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3)
ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET phonenumber = excluded.phonenumber,
                                 validDate   = excluded.validDate

Upsert with where

const qb = new D1QB(env.DB)

const upserted = await qb
    tableName: 'phonebook2',
    data: {
      name: 'Alice',
      phonenumber: '704-555-1212',
      validDate: '2018-05-08',
    onConflict: {
      column: 'name',
      data: {
        phonenumber: new Raw('excluded.phonenumber'),
        validDate: new Raw('excluded.validDate'),
      where: {
        conditions: 'excluded.validDate > phonebook2.validDate',

This will generate this query

INSERT INTO phonebook2 (name, phonenumber, validDate)
VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3)
ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET phonenumber = excluded.phonenumber,
                                 validDate   = excluded.validDate
WHERE excluded.validDate > phonebook2.validDate

Upsert with multiple columns

const qb = new D1QB(env.DB)

const upserted = await qb
    tableName: 'phonebook2',
    data: {
      name: 'Alice',
      phonenumber: '704-555-1212',
      validDate: '2018-05-08',
    onConflict: {
      column: ['name', 'phonenumber'],
      data: {
        validDate: new Raw('excluded.validDate'),
      where: {
        conditions: 'excluded.validDate > phonebook2.validDate',

This will generate this query

INSERT INTO phonebook2 (name, phonenumber, validDate)
VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3)
ON CONFLICT (name, phonenumber) DO UPDATE SET validDate = excluded.validDate
WHERE excluded.validDate > phonebook2.validDate